A Fine Pair of 19th Century Louis XV Style Parcel Gilt Bronze Figural Twin Branch Candelabra
After Claude Michel (called Clodion) French (1738-1814)
A very fine pair of Napoleon III parcel gilt bronze figural candelabra depicting bacchanal inspired figures of a faun & putto, both mounted atop naturalistically modelled gilded bases supporting twin branches terminating to tulip shaped nozzles with acanthus motifs over circular drip pans with palmette decorative detail. Both raised overall upon stepped ‘Rouge Griotte’ marble bases encircled with beaded detail.
Dimensions: 13.5” x 9.25” x 5.75"
A pair of 19th C Louis XV Style parcel gilt bronze candelabra after Clodion
Please contact Dealer for more information
Ernest Johnson
613 720 5206